No Name

Apple Computers has a cult following. We know that. Everything Apple does is "The Next Big Thing". When the mac introduces the cool Aqua theme in Mac OS (OS 9, I think), the world was on their knees, oogling on this deliciously good looking theme for an operating system. Then Aqua was replaced by Brushed Metal in OS X. Brushed Metal is very chic.. very industrial-like looking. It was in Mac OS X, it was in iTunes 4.x

Now, iTunes 5 has a new look. This theme has no named yet and people are liking it already. Perhaps Brushed Metal is being replaced? Perhaps not.

Here's a very hilarious account of how Brushed Metal feels being ousted out of a popular application. Read it. You'll be laughing your heads off.

Here's an excerpt
(Brushed Metal is the ex-superstar theme while Mike is his Hollywood-like agent):

Brushed Metal: Whatever happened to “Once you go metal, you never go back?”

Mike: Times change, my friend.

Brushed Metal: Who did they go with for iTunes? Not that Unified Title and Toolbar cocksucker…

Mike: No, they got someone new.

Brushed Metal: New?

Mike: Yeah, and he’s hot. Very hot. He looks like Unified with a tan.


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