Kindle and Lendle
Past one week I have not been gaming. I was hooked on reading Stephen King's The Shinning, a digital book I bought using Amazon Kindle. No, I don't own a Kindle, but the Kindle app runs on iOS. I find that it is very pleasant to read novels on the iOS. The Kindle app is easy to use, you can highlight text, put a 'dog ear' on the page to return to it and best of all, you can also see what other people around the world have highlighted - so you would may particular attention to the text :) And it has dark mode, meaning you can also read it in the dark without straining your eyes. And the best part - there is also a Kindle app for the PC, so if you are fed up of reading in iOS, you can fire up the PC app and you continue where you stopped! No more figuring out which pages. It auto syncs between devices. The best part about Kindle book, which I learned today is Lendle . You see, allows owner of a Kindle book to lend it out to a friend for 14 days. During th