All my life, in whatever I do, I did it with reservations. I thought through things, gauge the pros and cons before I made any decisions. I justify my actions, both to myself and to my friends. Whether the decisions were good or they failed, I will have my own reasonings and justifications. Because of this, I have always played safe. I have never made any big decisions in my life. I never have to make big adjustments. My life has been constant for as long as I can remember. It's dull, dull and dull. The term "sien" pratically sums it up. And that was what made me want to go AU. Explore the world. Make a LIFE CHANGING decision for once! This "need" has motivated me to do my application. It had drove me to this ultimate goal. Somewhere along the line, over the years, I have forgotten what it was that made me Applied.. Today, in the "company idol" audition.. it struck me again! I KNOW WHY! AND I LONG FOR THE BIG DECISION. I WANT OUT OF TH