I thought that I should mention that Thief: Deadly Shadows was released over the weekend at LYP and that the game is everything I wanted it to be and more... Yay!
Showing posts from May, 2004
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Well, I was pretty impressed with the "community service" in Bandar Menjalara. You see, at the end of the block, there is this really nice park. Every evening, one could see kids playing football there. Or you could see old men sitting by the benches gossiping. I have moved less than a month and I have seen with my own eyes DBKL doing their job cleaning the park. Two weeks ago there was this DBKL truck there and they were doing maintenance to those see saws, swings, etc. This morning, there was like 7 people in the park with leaf blower cleaning up the place. I am not sure if this is once a month thingy or once a quarter or once a year. I am, however, extremely pleased and impressed. This is a stark contrast to the dump we were in last time.
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Well, it's almost 6.30pm now. Time to go home. I have been thinking. Now that the house is done, I am kinda relieved. All the important things are in place. The reno, the furnitures, a/c, the touch ups, my desk, pc, etc. Now I am back to the boredom. I guess I really need to have something to do, to keep this mind occupied or I will start to be sien and start to think of some stupid shit things to do. However, stupid shit things are stupid shit things. They do nothing except to occupy you for like 1 to 2 days. And they cost money. I have to be wiser now. Better to be sien than do stupid stuff that drain the pocket, eh? Got a wedding invite from a fellow colleague, Joey (not his real name of course). Another one bite the dust... he's a comrade, always seeking for true love, like I do and I guess he has finally found *the one*. Some people are just so lucky. Some of us, are, just sien. I need a goal.. a aim... I need a reason to this thing call life. What is my goal n
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Turned out that things are getting better instead of worse. Thank God. The Mitsubishi guys came over. Very professional - came in uniforms and they know their ac damn well, if I must say so myself. All he took was 5 minutes of fiddling at the compressor and the air cond was fixed! That's it??? He said it is a small matter only. I think our ac guy, Ah Heng, is a dungu coz instead of admitting that he's unfamiliar with Mitsubishi ac, he blamed the ac for being difficult to install, "i have never seen brand new ac not working when first installed", "it's so fragile", "insert other lame excuses". I believe he did not put in some fuse or activate some switch at the compressor end. That is why it was not working. Having said all this, I must admire Mitsubishi's professionalism and expertise unlike, cough, Panasonic, which until today, have not fixed my ceiling fan.
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I couldn't believe my luck. We installed 4 air conds in the house on Saturday. 3 Yorks and 1 Mitsubishi. The Mitsubishi was for the living room. It's a 2 horse power a/c. And it failed! Totally no cold wind! Ah Heng, the a/c guy, claimed that it is a problem with the compressor. It's not working! It's not compressing the cold air. All I have is a RM2,300 fan! I couldn't believe my fucking luck! I mean, have you ever heard a failed air cond??? Brand new and failed? It's a first for Ah Heng too! SHITTY!
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Every thing seems to be happening in May. First I moved house. This coming weekend will mark my 2nd week in the new place. I thought I would have settled down by then and told a bunch of friends organizing a weekend getaway to a place called Bukit Tinggi that I am able to join them. All of a sudden, moving house and trying to settle down is not an easy task at all. This weekend, the aircond guy will come to install a/c. The contractor, Ah Meng, will be over to do some touch up work. All of a sudden, I can't leave the house for the getaway. I bet many of my friends are not very happy about this. So the deal I am thinking of doing is to do the house work and go to Bukit Tinggi in the evening. Then, AC is coming back from Singapore. She asked if we could meet up and I could not because of the weekend getaway and of course now the house-work. C.Woon, another friend from Singapore is visiting with her sister and mother. She's hoping to meet up with the gang here but all of us
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So I was thinking again about this "how come you don't move out and thus have a bigger place" comment from the friend. I don't know why I kept on thinking about this. Perhaps it is because I have finally settled down in the new place and I am now wishing I can move to AU. That is, after all, my ultimate dream. I think about it all the time. But I lack the courage. It's not easy to drop everything you have worked so hard for, just to chase after a dream. Not to mention starting all over again. Do I really want to quit a job in *the* IT company to flip burgers at *the* burger specialist? Or to drive the tram in Melbourne? Or be a helpdesk agent in the data center? I guess these are decisions and dilemma that affects singles people like me. My friends who are married hardly think about these stuff though they do like to get themselves unemployed. Why can't I have *that* type of normal life? Sigh...
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Here's the deal. It's almost 2 weeks and I have not set up the pc in the new study. Why, you ask? Well, it is because I don't have a damn desk! The desk I was eyeing.. one really nice and simple desk at Ikea is too long to fit into the damn Wira. And I have no friends who own a truck/van/4W drive. Nor do I want to pay the bloodsucker Ikea for delivery, the cost of which will allow me to buy another chair or a bedside cabinet. So I have the air cond fixed, the phone line set up and I have no desk!!! ... and I must PLAY! Damn! How???
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So this morning, the carpenter came over to take the measurement of the kitchen so he can start work on the kitchen cabinet. He dropped some sample handles and this piece of plastic net. Supposedly it is put at the bottom of the cabinet door (a hole will be cut) for ventilation purposes. Kinda the old fashion type of kicthen. Do people still do that in this modern era??? If not, how do you ventilate the cabinet as it will get damp and smelly?
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Saturday Night Fever was good. Not as epic as Les Mis, Phantom, Miss Saigon or Cats (but who can match these 4 classics?) but definitely way better than Fame! At least the music is good, well again, Bee Gees - what do you expect. However, I do agree with HZ - it's still not as good as Abba if comparing musical-based-on-popular-songs. Mamma Mia! is more entertaining than Sat Nite Fever. Having said all this, I think I have had enough of these dance-y musicals. I am dying for another round of soapy theatrical classics like the 4 I listed above. Come on organizer! Malaysia had had enough of dance musical! GIVE US PHANTOM!!!!
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A friend called me today and asked about my new place. I said it's nice. Then he asked if I have a bigger room now? And I answered, um, well, it's *slightly* bigger. Then he asked why don't I get a new place myself - otherwise potential girls will think I am a "mommy's boy". Hmm.. I never thought of it that way myself. Maybe HE'S been told that he's a mommy boy!!! LOL! Anyway, it got me into thinking.. Perhaps, instead of the bigger car that I was hoping to get, I should get a new place. But then again, I am broke! The house do cost a lot, you know!
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Telekom sucks! BIG TIME! It's things like this that make me wonder how the country is going to progress. Today is the 6th day since I moved and the 7th day since I logged in a call with Kedai Telekom to have someone over to install a phone line to an existing and established housing area. It's not like it is a new area and need to have the poles or what-not installed. This is a 10 year old established housing area, for crying out loud! I have visited Kedai Telekom two times, called the Customer Service Center and was told twice that the contractor will be over to the house to install the line... and nada... nothing! Is this the company where our so called high-tech future, the Internet hub of Asia, insert-crappy-Wawasan-talk depend on??? TELEKOM MALAYSIA - NAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH .n|m
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Whoa... Almost 9 month since my last post and heaps have happened! Some major stuff: - relationship went bonkers - Bought new PC - Pentium 4.. yay babyyyy! - Bought and moved to new house - given more responsibilities @ work - saw LoTR: RoTK, Riverdance, Turandot and yes, MARIAH CAREY Concert! - Went CH. Extremely boring. Might not go again The most often ask question: When am I going to AU? My answer: I don't know. Don't ask. Coming soon: - Saturday Night Fever - all guys trip to Bukit Tinggi