
I don't have a long commute. But whatever short commute I have, I take the chance to listen to Audiobooks. I bought a few Stephen King's audiobooks recently, mainly my favourites - The Shinning, Christine and Pet Sematary. I have read these books before but I must say that listening to audiobooks give an entirely different feeling and atmosphere. The narration by these professionals bring out the story to a different level! I never expected to enjoy listening to people reading a book and audiobooks prove me wrong. Currently, Amazon has a promotion. Buy 3 audiobooks using credits, and they give you a US$10 coupon. Signing up to a free trial gives you 2 credit. After that, pay for one month of Audible Premium to get 1 credit. Buy 3 books using these 3 credits and you get $10, which is good for another book. Essentially, $7.99 for 4 books! Sometimes I imagine that there will come a time when I'm so old that my eyesight is not good for long hours of reading. I imagine mysel...